The People of Restenford

From the world of Restenford.

This is a brief list of names from the world. Some of these are people you've met, others are important people in Restenford and a few are important people in the world. This is v1.0 (there will be later releases as you remind me of other people you've met in previous adventures).

The King - Arglebargle IV (or someone else :-)

The Count, and his staff:

Albert Grimaldi, Count of Restenford
Morten Throckmorten, Chief of Staff to the Count
Lt. Col. Gregor, KGB station chief
Lt. Jason Jockomo, commander of the 3rd Independent Company of the Restenford Regiment (Mom's Irregulars). (also known by D'Wal as Jasmalus/Jetro of the KGB)
Mismer, chief magician in the service of the count

The Restenford Town Council:

Head of the Merchant's AssociationDavid ben Jesse (chair)
Chief of Police (reports to the Count) Andy
Head of the Cleric's Union Omar the Pious
Head of the Magic User's Guild Amajekex
Head of the Longshoreman's Union Guido
Head of the Fisherman's Union Nuncio
A member at large Wusic (a merchant)
The Count's Chief of Staff is a non-voting member of the council.

Guido and Nuncio are bothers.

In Town:

Mom (Sgt. Malkovitch), Proprietor of Mom's. Former adventurer. Seems to know EVERYONE in Restenford. First sergeant of the 3rd Independent Company of the Restenford Regiment (Mom's Irregulars).
Kray, merchant (organizer of several missions)
Academician Grivard, a senior academic magician
Franstan, magician

And here's what I can remember from the adventures (thank-you to Chris for Deuwaindell's Journal and Jean-Luc for Biron's songs):

Wagon Guards

PCsKlor, Rats, Hennic, Raven and D'Wal
Kray The merchant that organized the mission.
Malin Chief merchant on the mission.
Emerald Female merchant.
Jasmalus/Jetro Merchant/KGB officer.
Jeremiah Lizardman contact of Jetro. KGB?
Iuz Orc God? Orc Leader? Wizard? Lone horseman on the hill top?

Fetch the Talisman of Set

PCsKele, Biron, Pierce, Thomas and D'Wal
Kray The merchant that organized the mission.
Olaf High level cleric of Athena
Thomas Mid-to-low level cleric of Athena
Iuz Orc God? Orc Leader? Wizard? Lone horseman on the hill top? Enslaver of Orcs?

Back for the Stand

PCsKele, Biron, Grimnal, Thomas and D'Wal
KrayThe merchant that organized the mission.
PeterMid-to-low level cleric of Athena
The Hermit?
Iuz Orc God? Orc Leader? Wizard? Lone horseman on the hill top? Enslaver of Orcs?

Check up on IUZ (warm-up) and Find the missing diplomats

PCsKele, Biron, Grimnal, Holger, Grendel, Thomas and D'Wal
MirandosHead dipolomat (cousin of the Count)
ZaraHeadman of Tragidore
ZenaZena's beautiful daughter
ZindeloZena's devoted younger brother
ZBZena's boyfriend
QuarkBacar (giant ant) trader in Ixtzul
CliveCentaur leader
CarousoCentaur bard
Iuz Orc God? Orc Leader? Wizard? Lone horseman on the hill top? Enslaver of Orcs?