Character Notes for D&D ================================================================== Barbarian Being young and inexperienced, you have been able to secure only simple jobs for the last several months. Most recently, you have been employed as a caravan guard for the Hucrele family of merchants. The pay hasn't been outstanding, but the work has been easy (a couple of bandits here the occasional orc raiding party there, nothing to write home about). You have just returned from a long boring trip to the village of Three Pines to bring back wool and other trade goods. Upon your return you are requested to come to the manor house. There you are escorted to a large sitting room (where you are instructed "Please don't sit on anything."). There are several other people in the room with you. Elf Paladin While traveling in your homeland (the forest of T'el Velon) you were struck with the need to head east into Andelar. Knowing that Paladin's seldom choose (or even know) where they are going or why. You follow your instincts and the prodding of your god. Eventually you find yourself in the human port town of Edgewater. Here you are drawn to the temple of Heironeous. Upon entering you are noticed immediately. A priest approaches you and introduces himself as Dabin. It seems you have been expected (or at least a paladin was expected, an elf is still a surprise though). When you attempt to inquire what need there is here for you, Dabin explains that a paladin of this temple (Sir Bradford) left on a misson a month ago and has fallen prey to some evil. Dabin says that he is alive but Heironeous no longer hears him. You have been selected by the gods to find Sir Bradford and save him or give him release from the evil that holds him. When pressed for details, Dabin simply smiles and gives you a letter of introduction and instructs you to take it to the house of the Hucrele family. He tells you that your questions will be made clear there. Gnome Druid Two days ago you recieved a letter from your Aunt Kiri. It seems that your cousin Erky (Erky Timbers) left home for the city of Edgewater 3 months ago and hasn't sent word that he arrived safely. This doesn't surprise you since Erky has been known to get lost in his own backyard. Your Aunt being the worrying type she has asked you to check up on him. He was supposed to be working for some merchant by the name of Hucrele in Edgewater, which is only a days travel from your grove. You have no problem finding the Hucrele residense, and inquire about your cousin's where abouts. In response you are escorted to a nice sitting room where you are provided with refreshments and asked to wait for Lady Kerowyn, who will answer your questions. Erky Timbers gnome Ftr 1/ Clc 1 Wrote you some time ago saying he was going to be coming down your way seeking his fortune. General You have heard rumors around Edgewater that the Hucrele family is looking for some people to perform some service. Having no other pressing matters at this time, you present yourself at the gates of the manor and inquire about the job. A servant escorts you to a sitting room where several other people are waiting. In a few moments three people enter the room. ================================================================== Race Info Gnome Elf Barbarian ================================================================== Nation : Kingdom of Andelar. Ruler : King Feris the Wise Pop. : 50,000 (mixed human, demi human, non-human) Basic map of kingdoms location ===================================================== | | | White Fang Mountains | | | | Forest of Kingdom of Wolf Steppes | | T'el Velon Andelar | | | | Southern Sea | | | ===================================================== Cities Towns Villages Stonemount* Oakhurst Three Pines Edgewater Irontown Rocky Ford Blasingdell ================================================================== People: Edgewater Hucrele Family: Talgen : Son / fighter / missing Sharwyn : daughter / wizard / missing Kerowyn : matriarch, hires characters to find her grandchildren Ramgen : father of Talgen and Sharwyn Calawyn : mother of Talgen and Sharwyn Temple of Heironeous: Sir Bradford : Lost paladin Dabin : High Priest Plain Text Attachment [ Save to my Yahoo! Briefcase | Download File ] Where were we? The party: Character Hook Player Zozan the barbarian Employed by the Hucrele family Sarah Rannos the cleric Sent by Dabin to help search Darrel Garret the rogue Out for the cash Ande Laucian the paladin Sent to look for Sir Bradford Chris F. Marcus the ranger Hired to guide the party Jean-Luc Gregory the wizard Searching for more magic Chris B. Festus the druid Trying to find his cousin Erky Joshua The party had been contracted by the Hucrele family to find out what happened to two people. Talgen Hucrele (fighter) and Sharwyn Hucrele (magic-user) Their mother Kerowyn Hucrele has offered 125 gp per person for the return of their signet rings (showing that they are dead) or 250 gp per person if the party can bring them back alive and well. Creatures / People of Note: Twig Blights - small sticklike creatures Belak - a strange person who passed through years ago (the missing people were interested in him) Gulthias Tree - An evil tree you have learned about from the goblins which bears enchanted fruit. Notable Items Found/Recovered etc: 1 signet ring (Tagen's) 1 suit of scale mail 1 white dragon hide various amounts of money (we can esimate here when done) What has happened so far: ( the very abrieviated version ) After venturing out into the Ashen Plain (and it's real ash too!) for severy days the party tracked (Marcus) the missing pair and their party to a ravine. The ravine showed signs of goblins in the area. The party lowered themselves into the ravine where they found an old temple that had sunk deep into the ground ages ago. (Probably when the dragon Ashardalon was defeated.) Fighting some minor skirmishes with some of the local vermin (giant rats, skeletons etc.) the party advanced into the temple. In due time they came upon a pitiful kobold named Mepo. Mepo had been the keeper of the kobold "mascot" a young white dragon, but goblins had stolen the dragon and now Mepo was out of favor with the ruling kobold. Mepo asked the party to help him in return for save passage through kobold territory, and he took them to see his ruler the great Yusdrayl. The kobold leader offered the party a reward if they could find and return the dragon. One item of note was the key clenched in a dragons mouth behind the throne of the kobold leader. (You had seen a keyhole in a dragon's mouth earlier.) To make a long story short (too late), the dragon is dead. His hide is currently gracing Zozan's backpack. Mepo is also dead; killed by the dragon who really didn't like him much. So there is no way to claim the reward from the kobolds (at least not without some disagreement). While venturing in the goblin areas the party came across a prison where Festus found his wayward cousin Erky Timbers. A brief reunion then off again. Continuing to track the lost adventurers through the temple the group encountered the goblin leader (Durnn) and his henchment. After defeating them, you found one of the signet rings you were to return for the reward (Talgen's) and his scale mail also. You decended through a well in the middle of the chamber of the goblin leader to the lower levels of the temple. The area abounds with luminous fungus which provides light. At the current time, you have defeated the bugbear who was guarding this passage into the lower halls and are faced with two doors. Behind the eastern door some odds sounds can be heard. The southern door is quiet. Note: there are actually several area's in the upper level where the party has not gone.