Joshua Levy
Some quotes to get you in the mood...
We'll get you, babe...Widely distributed quote from SonyBono, while trying to pass anti-paperazzi laws.
Deal With The Devil doesn't have a buyout clause. The general response from the media.
Characters in this campaign will either be employees of StalkerTours, Inc., or close friends of such employees.Also, characters who do not work directly for StalkerTours, should work for a group known to the GM (KZERO, The London Beat,KZERO's friend gang, etc.)
StalkterTours is a sort of Urban Safari operation, where customersgo out looking for the rich and famous (or infamous). You can thinkof it as a "paparazzi ride along", or a "rent a stalkerazzi", if youwant.
StalkerTour crews are generally 1-3 "driver/guides", one"spotter" and (on a busy day) a "dispatcher". Generally, therewill be a one to three cars (called "rovers") out on any run.Spotters ride motorcycles.
The great thing (from a character point of view) is that as long as you have one or two useful skills, it doesn't matter what elseyou know. You could have a PhD chemist (post burnout) workingas a driver, or anything else. My advice is to design the characteryou want to play, and work it into the crew later.
If you are just joining for one adventure, then you will likelybe someone who has hired a stalker tour.
There are a bunch of character ideas.
In general, characters should not come from a rich background,unless they are leaving that all behind.
All StalkerTours employees will have at least 10 in a drivingskill, 10 in a mechanical repair type skill, a 10 in AreaKnowledge (Local Roads) and a skill in Administration (Franchise Operations). Drivers will havemuch higher driving skill, others will tend to have AreaKnowledge (Media Stars) type skills.
The administration skill should be at least 8 for entry levelfranchise workers, 10 for more seasoned frachise workers, 12for supervisors and team leaders, and higher than that forowners, managers, etc.
You work for StalkerTours. This is the third unit of the franciseto be set up. The first two are in Los Angels and New York. Thenext two are planned for Bollywood and Australia {where?}. Theowner of the local francise is Petar D... [GCM][TXT].
StalkerTours puts all employees through a one month trainingprogram (which is unusually long for a franchise). Therefore,the prefer stable riff-raff, as opposed to the cheap stiffs favored by most franchises. There is one week of teaching andtesting the worker's exact jobs, one week of teaching them thejobs of everyone else, and two weeks of on the job apprentacing.
General Snowcrash Links | StalkerTours Links |
Franchise Descriptions | CA's stalkerazzi abatement bill plus many good news links. |
Quotes | |
Avatars |
The Second Adventure
The characters are suspected of involvement with a
murder and shooting, and need to clear their own name,
before The Enforcers make them statistics.
Latex Gloves: Don't Leave Home Without Them!
The Third Adventure
I'd like to thank all my Snowcrash players:
Jon-Luc Broullet, Chris Brown, Mark Brown, Chris Farrar, Andy Jacobson, Sarah Levy, Darrel Strom, and the group from GameCon I.